Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rental Property Insurance: What a Landlord Needs to Know

Are you the owner of a property for rent, or are planning to own a property for rent? If you do, this article will help you get a better understanding of landlord insurance and some of the coverage policies that are often overlooked and not given much attention to. You have ownership of a property for rent not because you enjoy dealing with tenants but because you want the profits that come from the venture, and of course, the appreciation of your property. Rental property expenses can oftentimes be overwhelming, what with the mortgage payments, insurance coverage needed, and unexpected maintenance expenses that are all a part of it. If you manage your property well, you can have a high yielding property that will serve you well for years and years, but of course, you need to take consideration of the risks involved.

Landlords have to deal with a lot of risks to their property such as asset depreciation, destructive tenants, and maintenance expenses that are unexpected and throw your cash flows out of sync. The proper landlord policy is one good way of containing these risks. When it comes to insurance policies, there is a lot of confusion when people try to differentiate between standard homeowners' insurance policies and landlord insurance policies. Most of the policies in both insurance coverage are the same however, there are a few distinct differences between the two insurance types. For all your investment property insurance needs, check out the website.

A lot of people do not understand why they need a different type of insurance policy when renting out a property they own, especially when it is a home that they have lived in previously and have already purchased homeowner's insurance for. One of the main reasons why you need a landlords insurance is because in the event of a claim, you want to ensure that you are properly covered. Claims can be denied by your insurance company if you don't change your policy when you start to rent out your property, as you did not inform them properly of the change in status of the property.

One important coverage that your landlord policy will give you is liability protection. When a tenant causes damage to your property or to other properties in the vicinity, claims can be made against your policy and a landlord insurance policy will be able to cover such damages. You will be able to cover yourself with your landlords insurance policy with an amount anywhere from $100,000 up to $1,000,000 Higher insurance coverage only costs a few dollars more so always go for that rather than a lower coverage.

Landlord insurance policies also provide protection against the lost of rental income. Nobody wants to go through the eviction process. A lot of landlords count on the income from their tenants in order to pay for the mortgage due on their properties. When damage to the property occurs and it then becomes unsuitable for living in, your insurance policy with this type of coverage will reimburse you for what you would have made in rental fees during the time that you have your property fixed and repaired.

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